
MediaCatch provides a complete suite of services to advance your brand’s media and marketing strategies. Our innovative AI and big data analytics solutions enable you to understand and fine-tune your media presence, ensuring peak impact and efficiency.

Custom AI Solutions

Leverage AI and custom LLMs to achieve faster time to market with scalable solutions. MediaCatch utilizes your brand's private or public data, fully GDPR-compliant, to develop custom AI solutions that meet your unique needs and drive success.


Data Analytics

We delve deep into your media data, using advanced AI and big data analytics to provide unparalleled insights. Understand what’s working, what’s not, and why, to fine-tune your campaigns and achieve optimal performance.


Tailored Cloud Solutions

Access a private AI recognition cloud customized to your needs. MediaCatch offers services like speech-to-text, facial recognition, OCR, and more, all running seamlessly 24/7. These solutions are tailored to your specifications, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness. See more technical documentation here:


Influencer Insights & Analysis

Navigate the influencer economy with ease using MediaCatch’s comprehensive analyses. Identify key influencers, track their performance, and understand their impact on your brand to ensure your influencer marketing efforts are both effective and impactful.

Sponsorship and Logo Tracking

Monitor your logo and brand mentions across various media with MediaCatch. Optimize placements, make data-driven sponsorship decisions, and analyze key metrics to ensure the best return on your investment.

Strategic Decision Support

Receive actionable insights to guide your strategic decisions across platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, broadcast, and OTT. MediaCatch helps you scale your digital marketing efforts and stay ahead in today’s dynamic media landscape.


Audience Panels

Establish custom digital focus groups with MediaCatch to learn how your target audience interacts with media platforms. Discover what content resonates most and tailor your strategies to meet audience preferences.


Sub Community Discovery and Analysis

Gain insights into relevant sub-communities with MediaCatch. Understand key trends, identify important topics, and engage effectively with these groups to enhance your brand’s presence and impact.


Topic Tracking

Track specific product launches or campaigns with MediaCatch. Identify if your message reaches the audience and how creators engage with your campaign or product, ensuring your strategies are effective and targeted.


Understand Top Tier Creators & Influencers

Understand the top creators and influencers. Learn what formats work for them, the latest trends, who influences who, and who engages the audience most effectively.


Diversity Tracking

Monitor key diversity metrics like age, gender, origin, and topics of all the content produced with MediaCatch. Provide real-time, concurrent data to inform your strategy and diversity efforts, driving meaningful change within your organization.


API and Data Export

Export all your data seamlessly with MediaCatch's robust API and data export capabilities. Ensure complete control and flexibility over your media intelligence and analysis data, enhancing your ability to leverage insights for strategic advantage.


GDPR Compliance

All MediaCatch solutions are fully GDPR-compliant, ensuring that your data privacy and security are maintained at the highest standards. Trust in our commitment to transparency and data protection as you leverage our services for your media and marketing strategies.

With MediaCatch, you gain the insights and tools necessary to stay ahead in today’s complex media landscape, ensuring your brand’s success and growth.