Optimising Sponsorship Value for Danish Handball
Client Danish Handball
Sponsorship AnalyticsLogo RecognitionSpeech to TextBroadcast Media

The Challenge

Handball enjoys widespread popularity in Denmark, with both male and female teams consistently achieving top ranks on the international stage. This success has attracted considerable corporate sponsorship, as companies seek to leverage the sport's prominence for brand visibility and market engagement. However, the Danish Handball (DH) organization faces a critical challenge: accurately determining and substantiating the value of these sponsorships.

The Data

MediaCatch developed a custom solution for Danish Handball (DH), leveraging a high-precision logo-recognition model. This model continuously scanned all handball matches and related media coverage in real-time, capturing detailed data subsequently validated through human oversight. The resulting dataset encompassed a comprehensive array of metrics, including logo size, placement, type (e.g., board, shirt, floor), and specific locations within the footage. All captured data was meticulously organised and displayed through a sophisticated user interface, facilitating thorough verification and analysis.

The Insights

From the collected data, several critical insights emerged that shed new light on the dynamics of sponsorship effectiveness in the Danish Handball league. Initially, it became clear that merely having an on-screen logo presence did not guarantee viewer attention. The AI model, meticulously trained on eye-tracking data, revealed the actual times when viewers were genuinely engaged with the content. On average, viewers focused on the main sponsor's logo for 58 seconds per game, providing a concrete measure of engagement.

Additionally, the data unveiled that sponsorship exposure extended well beyond the actual game time. Over half of the logo exposures (53%) occurred in ancillary content, such as pre- and post-game analyses, interviews, and highlight reels. This finding underscored the importance of considering a wider array of content opportunities to maximize sponsorship value.

Another significant insight was the disparity in exposure among different sponsors. The analysis highlighted a 44-fold difference between the most and least exposed sponsors, emphasizing the need for more strategic and optimized placement strategies to ensure that all sponsors received equitable visibility. This is essential for maintaining the perceived value and effectiveness of their sponsorships.

These insights collectively pointed to the necessity of a more strategic approach to sponsorship placement, one that considers not just the primary events but the entire content ecosystem surrounding handball games. This approach would ensure that sponsors receive the maximum possible return on their investment, driven by genuine viewer engagement and comprehensive exposure.

The Solution

MediaCatch implemented a highly precise logo-recognition model tailored to the needs of the Danish Handball (DH) federation. This advanced model continuously scanned and analysed all handball matches and related media coverage in real-time, delivering validated, in-depth metrics. These metrics included comprehensive details such as logo size, placement, type, and specific locations within the footage.

This data-driven approach enabled the DH federation to accurately price sponsorships based on the actual value provided, grounded in empirical evidence rather than estimates. Sponsors received detailed, analytical reports that clarified the extent and nature of their brand exposure and viewer engagement. These reports offered valuable insights, allowing sponsors to better understand their return on investment and optimize their future sponsorship strategies.

By leveraging this sophisticated solution, DH could ensure transparency and precision in its sponsorship valuation, ultimately fostering stronger, more informed partnerships with sponsors