Diversity Index of European Broadcasters content

Written by Lars Damgaard Nielsen
Diversity Index of European Broadcasters content

Let’s start with the statistics:

  • Only 28% of the sources in European media are women according to Global Media Monitoring Project.
  • Ethnic minorities are heavily underrepresented in most western media according to the European Federation of Journalists.

Diversity is a difficult problem to solve.

But to have an honest conversation you need to have the insights. Many organisations struggle to analyse all their content on a daily basis across all genres, programs and channels.

So they don’t have the full picture.

Maybe some programs are self-reporting - which is a good thing. But self-reporting only counts the sources, not the airtime the sources get, or what they are talking about.

Introducing: The Diversity Index of European Broadcasters content

The Diversity Index of European Broadcasters content consists of an analysis of more than 25 broadcasters content across 21 countries. Is made with DiversityCatch from MediaCatch.

Using AI, MediaCatch, an AI consultant house with a media focus, has analysed all the content broadcasted 24/7 from all the broadcasters in the index. Covering more than 13500 hours of content in two weeks in May and the first week of June 2023. We have selected one or two of the biggest broadcasters per country and put them in the index.

The analysis is focusing on gender, age and ethnicity of all the people on the screen. Across all genres. This is the most in-depth analysis of diversity among broadcasters' content ever made.

The most diverse country is…

Looking at the map of the European countries in our index, it turns out that Sweden is the most equitably diverse in terms of female representation. Closely followed by Portugal with 49% female presence in the content the broadcaster showcases.

Try the interactive version of the map - click here

The most diverse broadcaster is…

One thing is to see the data on a map. Another one is to see the full list of all the broadcasters in the index.

We have sorted them in three lists. Gender, age and origin.

Link to Gender List

Link to Age List

Link to Origin List

Are there any broadcasters you are missing? Please email [email protected]

Want to know more?

The insights in the Diversity Index of European Broadcasters is a small part of the data available in DiversityCatch, which is a tool targeted at broadcasters. The tool enables broadcasters to follow their performance regarding diversity 24/7 across channels, programs and segments.

It's also possible to analyse everything the people on the screen are talking about, so broadcasters know what topics the men and women are talking about. The tool excludes tv-hosts and correspondents too, so you only get the numbers that your journalists actually can influence on a daily basis.

DiversityCatch delivers:

  • Dashboards for live channels
  • Dashboard on program level
  • Service for scanning On Demand content
  • In depth reporting for C-level management

DiversityCatch is also a part of EBUs DEI casebook.

If you want to know more, please contact CEO and co-founder of MediaCatch, Lars Damgaard Nielsen [email protected].

Read more about the DiversityCatch here.


Using facial recognition we specify the age of a person with +/-4 years. Gender is with a 98% accuracy and origin is with 90% accuracy.

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